Teacher Training
Free PE Scholar, British Rowing and LYR teacher training Course.
In Partnership with British Rowing and with expert input from the PR Scholar we are excited to be offering our Active Row Partner and Network schools FREE access to a new online course, which can be completed in as little as an hour. We are also able to offer an in person delivery of the course through our Active Row coaches.
What is included?
The course includes lesson activity ideas, an introduction to indoor rowing equipment and technique, using race systems (Concept 2 only) and a set of 60 mix and match cards covering warm up and circuit training exercises suitable for teachers to use with Key Stage 3 and 4 classes or even for pupils to design and run their own sessions to develop teamwork and leadership skills.
How to get involved?
Sign up here to be a part of the first 500 teachers to get access to the online course for FREE. OR contact your Active Row Coach to discuss how you can have the course delivered in person at your school. This means you will have the added bonus of getting to practically work through the course.
A note from LYR and the P.E Scholar
“The course is a great and valuable tool, for all teachers and P.E staff that are looking to learn about a new sport and develop their knowledge. It is particularly exciting as it offers not just support and learnings for teachers, but provides guidance and tips to the level where teachers can begin to introduce and maintain the sport of rowing in their schools. In turn, this hopefully creates and opportunity for teachers and young people to engage in an often new and different sport in an exciting, fun and engaging way.” – Emily Coe , UK Programme Director LYR
“We are thrilled to have been asked to produce this set of essential resources for secondary schools. They fill a much-needed gap in providing teachers and students with resource cards to support the delivery of great fitness lessons. On top of this, the course and 12 rowing specific activity cards will provide teachers with the confidence and innovative ideas to ensure introducing indoor rowing is not only fun for all but also possible in a school setting with 30+ students and a limited number of rowing machines. The pack includes two suggested schemes of work and much more, we are grateful to the teachers who have helped provide ideas and bring this to life.” – Will Swaithes , Education Director, PE Scholar
Active Row Teacher Training
As part of the Active Row Programme our partner schools and teachers receive free training and support. If you are a teacher based at an Active Row School please contact Rebecca Clephan rclephan@londonyouthrowing.com or your Active Row Coach to organise staff/teacher training.