The young people we work with come from schools who rank high on the London poverty profile, we don't means test. From each school our coaches identify and draw into the programme those student who don't connect with a mainstream sport, those left on the side line at PE.
Using rowing as a tool our coaches inspire them to aim high and achieve more to produce motivated and determined young people from communities that would not have had this chance.
We then work with businesses to mirror the Skills Builder platform to demonstrate the transferrable skills they've learnt and have confidence to break through glass ceilings and fulfil their potential in life.
When you become an LYR champion and buy into Active Row Life Skills we connect and inspire some amazing young people and we want to make sure we're able to guide them
Our Life Skills programme is built from 5 core skills from the platform Skills builder; Team work, Problem solving, Leadership, staying positive and aiming high. Our coaches are trained to deliver these during their rowing sessions to draw out the core life skills that rowing gives.
Your business is a key part of this education, each rowing session is based on one of the five life skills, and after each session the coach will recommend videos to understand how that skill is translated into the world of work; relating their lived experience into employment or education opportunity.
A key part of your support for these young people is to use your expertise and knowledge of these core skills to show how it can lead them to a successful and rewarding journey into work, including your own company through it's recruitment pathways.
How do we do this? Choose any or all of the following ways to directly support the young people
1 - Active Row Life Skills Video We run a matrix of videos that relate the core skills to specific industries that any person on our programme can see. Our ask is for your time to help produce one or more 10-minute videos based on the core skills. These are the resources to show a young person what their next step can be and for you to advertise your company as that next step.
2 - Active Row Life Skills Workshops If you want to meet a select group of the people we work with, you can join LYR & 50 Young People for a day's work shop to inspire and show the benefits of your business and company, again based on Skills Builder. The delivery will be alongside 2 other companies at a location in London or Leeds.
3 - Active Row Life Skills Host You can also have the choice host 50 young people at your offices over a day to present and run workshops based on your version of the life skills and promote your organisation, you are also able to invite 3 other organisations of your choice to support the day, this could be clients, or contractors.
4 - Step up programme Skills Swap – Professional volunteering between company employee & LYR Coaching team – based on Skills Builder. The new programme is designed to transfer knowledge from our team of coaches to your company and visa versa. A fantastic opportunity to learn about team work from different perspective and help develop our coaches.
To work with LYR and get the most from the great opportunities we offer please email Andrew Triggs Hodge to discuss the options
Charity Number: 1122941. Company Number: 06243293. Royal Docks Adventure, 1012 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QT.
Tel: 0203 356 7178