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Centurion Corporate Challenge

Centurion Challenge

It couldn't be easier, we come to your office and help you run a fun team building challenge to get you and your colleagues engaged, motivated - and a little sweaty!

One machine,
One mission
One team.

The challenge is based on the five life skills our Active Row progamme is built on:

  • Teamwork: How do you bring everyone along to support the mission?
  • Problem Solving: How do you break down the challenge?
  • Staying positive: How do you motivate colleagues to train up and keep going when the tough get going?
  • Aiming high: How fast can you finish the challenge and row 100km, what is your measure of success?
  • Leadership: Will your leadership taken on the challenge?

What happens:

  • We'll bring the rowing machines to you, show you how to use it and then help you train up for a month.
  • At the end of the month you and your team chose your day and row 100km in one day. Your team can include as many of your team as you like, (up to 20 seems to be the most popular) and with each person rowing for a total (not all at the same time, relay style) of 5km per person, it took them around 8hrs to complete the challenge.
  • The only rules are: one machine must be rowed 100km without the machine stopping. And you must nominate someone in your network to take on the challenge after you.

Our ask is for you to support our Active Row programme. This programme uses rowing as a tool to nurture essential life skills for those who can't normally access the sport of rowing. The life skills we focus on in Active Row are: Teamwork, Problem solving, Leadership, Aiming high and Staying positive - the same skills you'll be working on and the same skills we all use every day at work and don't even notice.

We're very proud of the impact Active Row is having on the thousands of our young people on our programme. Your support to buy into the Centurion Corporate Challenge enables Active Row to happen. Please see our annual reviews and impact reports here.

To talk about this event please email us at

For instructions to set up an Enthuse fundraising page for this event please follow this how to guide. For resources to support your communications around this event please see our media resource pack here.

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Charity Number: 1122941. Company Number: 06243293. Royal Docks Adventure, 1012 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QT.
Tel: 0203 356 7178